Ramblin' Cameras

Gallery of Exotic Cactus Flowers

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A flower of Echinopsis (Trichocereus) Candicans, the Argentine Giant Cactus

A flower from the night-blooming Echinopsis multiplex (?)

Flower group of the nocturnal Echinopsis hybrig 'Apricot Glow'.

Flowers of the hybrid Echinops 'Apricot Glow'.

A dreamy flower group of the Echinos hybrid 'June Noon'.

A large flower cluster of the hybrid Echinopsis 'Cherry Red'.

Unusually large flowers of the 'Turk's Head' cactus, from the American Southwest.

A closer look at a flower of the Echinops hybrid 'Apricot Glow'.

A group of flowers of one of the Echinops Sp. (Lobivia).  The blossoms open nocturnally, and remain open about a day.

Flower group of Echinopsis (Trichocereus) x 'Cherry Red' , developed by Mark Dimmitt, Tuscon, Arizona.

Detail of a blossom of the Echinopsis (Trichocereus) x 'Cherry Red' developed by Dr. Mark Dimmitt of Tuscon, Arizona.

Flower of the Peanut Cactus Echinopsis ( Lobivia) Chamaecereus.

Echinopsis (Trichocereus)x 'June Noon'  developed by Dr. Mark Dimmitt, Tuscon Arizona.

Unidentified Lobivia, possibly Lobivia marsoneri.

Flowers of an undetermined Echinopsis species.

Echinopsis sp. (Lobivia) - Delicately colored flowers open nocturnally, remaining open the following morning.

Flowers of the night blooming cactus Echinopsis eyriesii in cultivation at Las Cruces, New Mexico

Flower of the night blooming Echinopsis hybrid 'Los Angeles' .

Detail of a blossom of the Echinopsis hybrid 'Los Angeles'.

Flowers of the Chin cactus Gymnocalisium altagracien - Argentina

A spectacular flower of the night-blooming cactus Harrisia jusbertii.

Detail of a flower of the night-blooming cactus Harrisia jusbertii.

Small spider on a blossom of the night blooming cactus Harrisia jusbertii.

A tiny Preying Mantis on hybrid Trichocereus flower.

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Ramblin' Cameras Gallery of Exotic Cactus Flowers